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Crime Stoppers also has a youth program for students who wish to call the confidential hot line (863-TIPS) with an anonymous tip about criminal activity at their school or in their community. Students who step forward with anonymous tips leading to disciplinary action or arrests will be eligible for cash awards of UP TO $500 through the program, based on an internally recognized model. This is a way for students to report incidents to law enforcement without being targeted as athe "tattle tail" or "snitch".

School and police officials agree that most students want to do the right thing to keep their schools and neighborhoods safe but sometimes fear reprisals. The Student Crime Stoppers Program offers the safety of complete anonymity while promoting responsibility and allowing students to take action against victimization and crime.

When to Call

  • Maybe you overhear someone bragging about having committed a crime.
  • Maybe you know someone who is driving a stolen car...or is hiding from the police...or is a robber or drug dealer.
  • Or maybe you just see something that doesn't look right. A strange car. A person acting sneaky. Someone with a gun or knife.

If you aren't sure that what you saw or heard is really a crime, call anyway. Let the police decide if it's worth investigating. It may be a piece of a clue to a big crime.